
A blog spanning four categories:


A section focused on teaching. I'll be giving tutorials on various subjects, ranging from knitting to sketching to coding to stretching.


Living and actively learning lessons from the Word. A place where I write about they ways God is growing me.


I love to travel and take pictures. A section where you can read about my adventures and be jealous.


A place where I can verbalize notions of both the world around me and the one in my head.

The Definitive Ranking of Soy Milk Flavors

October 08, 2015

I’ve enjoyed soy milk ever since I was a child. Part of the reason is that whenever I was in Taiwan, regular milk disagreed with my insides so I just got used to drinking soy milk instead. The milk in Japan is similar, so I’ve just continued drinking soy milk. What I discovered early on one day at the supermarket was that here, Kikkoman sells little juice-box-sized soy milks in various flavors. Of course I decided to make a point to try and rank them all. more

Maneki Neko Festival

October 08, 2015

A few weeks ago, I went with a few friends to a 招き猫祭り (Maneki Neko Matsuri), or Lucky Cat Festival. The lucky cat is a figurine of this beckoning cat is often placed at the front of shops to welcome customers. A raised right paw brings in money and luck while a raised left paw brings in people and customers. This festival took place in Seto, a city that was about an hour northeast of Nagoya by train that’s mainly known for its pottery. It’s pretty rural, which means the locals don’t often see a lot of foreigners. more

Today was just one of those days

September 15, 2015

Today was just one of those days. more

Recycling and Rain

September 15, 2015

The garbage and recycling system here is intense. more

Hello from Nagoya!

September 07, 2015

I’ve been here for 4 days but it feels like it’s been much longer than that. It’s great to be back in Japan! I’ve been jetlagged so I’ve seen several sunrises that look something like this: more